We have three houses: Kalmargården, Kalmar Västra and Roseniusgården. You can find all the information about each house if you click on their pictures below. Please keep in mind that each house has its own queue which you enter by filling out the form on each house’s page.
It is not possible to enter the queue or get housing via email.
House Foreman: kg@kalmarnation.nu
Kalmar Västra
House Foreman: kv@kalmarnation.nu
House Foreman: rosenius@kalmarnation.nu
To apply for housing click on the house you are interested in and fill out the form to be added to the queue. If you have questions regarding housing please email the foreman in charge of the house you are interested in. Note: it is not possible to get housing via email.
The House Board
All Kalmar nation housing is democratically run through the representatives of the house board. It is the board’s responsibility to manage the houses currently owned by the nation. Right now, that number is three: Kalmargården (KG), Kalmar västra (KV), and Roseniusgården (KR). The board does this primarily through its house foremen, who are responsible for maintaining the building itself, as well as administration, such as dealing with applications to live at their houses, and making sure rent is collected from their tenants. The house board also manages the houses’ finances. The board’s finances are run separate from the nation’s.
The house board has several members with voting rights:
The Proinspektor domus is the chairperson of the board and chairs its meetings.
The treasurer is responsible for the finances of the board and the houses.
Each house has an elected representative on the board.
The board also has two general members.
All house foremen sit on the board.
The Källarmästare (KM) is also part of the board.
Kalmar nation’s statutes give the house board the right to appoint and create as many house foreman – positions it deems necessary. However, a house foreman is only given voting rights once they are elected at the nation meeting. The Kurator (Q) is also permanently adjunct to the house board meetings but does not have voting rights. The same goes for the notarie who attends the meetings to take notes.