About the Nation
We are our members!
Kalmar Nation is a non-profit student organization that provides for the well-being of Lund University students and assures that the students have a place to belong, have fun, and socialize. Our foremen organize events they enjoy themselves and try their best to make it a good experience for everyone. But it is also up to you to make it a treasured memory! For many, the nation is a place to hang out and have fun. For some it’s their social circle and their friends. For others it becomes a home and family.
Come by our office for a chat or to our events and see for yourself!
Come as you are!
Kalmar as described by our foremen
Pubs and Lunch
Kalmar Nation is famous for its cozy pubs and lunches!
We pride ourselves on having the largest and most interesting alcohol selection in Lund, good food, and an inviting atmosphere.
Our regular pubs and lunch:
Mondays 18:00 - 00:00
Pub Ölkällaren
Tuesdays 18:00 - 00:00
Lunch Neptuni
Thursdays 12:00 - 14:00
Pub Kaggen
Friday 18:00 - 01:00
Other Activities
We’re always expanding our non-alcoholic events!
Our foremen have put together activities ranging from hikes and board game nights to laser tag and escape rooms!
We host baking nights, pub quizzes, and language cafés.
For gamers, we have an active Discord and an official Kalmar Nation Minecraft server!
We also have our comedy theatre Spex production every semester.
Come see what we’re up to!