The Social Committee

We want you to feel as safe and comfortable as possible in our nation. We have no tolerance for any form of harrassment and bullying. If you are a victim or a witness, the Social Committee is here to support you!

 Here’s a message from our Social Committee:

Hello! We are the Social Committee.

We are here for you to feel safe at Kalmar Nation. Have you been treated wrong, offended, harrassed, or need someone to talk to? We are here for you!

There are several ways you can contact us. You can:

  • Fill out the form on this page

  • Email us at

  • Or contact one of our committee members personally through email, facebook, or whatever method suits you.

You will remain completely anonymous. You can choose which of our committee members you feel comfortable talking to. We are here for you and will listen without judgement. You can decide how to move forward with whatever issues you present to us. What you tell us will not be shared with anyone without your permission.

If you would like us to follow up on an issue you report, please provide us with a way to contact you, preferably an email address so that we can reply to your report. The email address will not be seen by anyone apart from the members of socialutskottet and we will not contact anyone regarding your issue without your consent.


The Social Committee

Currently comprised of (Autumn 2021):

Defne Kartal, senior

Viktoria Christensson, senior

Here is the form to contact Social Utskottet:

If you prefer talk to someone else, you can always contact our Kuratel at


We also have an official contact at Svenskakyrkan (The Swedish Church) who you can contact about anything.

She won't bring up religion unless that is what you want to talk about.

Lisa Svensson, Kalmar Nation’s friend at Svenskakyrkan

Phone: 046-71 87 36, 0725-93 47 36
